ASAP’s Virtual Event is a one-day virtual training on topics in leadership, task management, and technology. This virtual event is a curated selection of APC’s most valuable sessions.
We know one of the hardest parts about missing the in-person events is the connections and peer networking, but don’t worry ASAP Virtual also includes live networking and discussion opportunities.
The best part? All sessions will remain on-demand for 30 days post-event.
We wanted to offer you a chance to review the speakers and content you will be seeing at ASAP virtual. Check out a variety of webinars below done by this year's speakers!
The word “leader” is typically associated with high profile, powerful people—dynamic speakers, politicians, business executives, etc. However, in truth, everyone has the ability to be a leader in the workplace each and every day, regardless of title or position in the organizational hierarchy. If you’re looking to pursue management opportunities in the near or distant future, leadership is a critical skill to develop. However, even those who have no desire to “lead” in an official capacity will benefit from learning this skill. Demonstrating the simple tenants of “everyday leadership” in the workplace establishes you as a highly valuable asset within your organization. Beyond that, it offers a wealth of added personal and professional benefits.
Creating an engaging presentation full of dense information can be challenging. Successful presentations should deliver critical information in a natural yet engaging way. Adding navigation links, interesting transitions and animation schemes, and segmenting the presentation into logical chunks make the presentation compelling for the audience, while keeping it easy for the presenter to deliver. Join Neil Malek as he shares his favorite methods and tools for building compelling presentations. Putting your new skills to work will not only save your audience time, but keep endless follow-up emails at bay!
Let's kick it up a notch in the new year and see and TRY the latest, greatest tech tools in productivity! Join us online with an interactive session with the top technology speaker and Office worldwide textbook author Corinne Hoisington to push your efficiency to the next level. In the last year, hundreds of new features have been added to Microsoft 365/Windows/Other Tools. A new culture of work is here. It's open and collaborative, letting you work together securely, from anywhere in the world.
Start managing the process and not the content. Learn how to use collaborative tools within the Microsoft ecosystem to seamlessly manage meetings and master meeting minutes using the powerful integration between Outlook and OneNote.
How often have you looked back at a decision you made in the past and thought ‘Well, it seemed like a good idea at the time’? Faced with the same situation today, what would you do differently? We make hundreds of decisions every day, mostly without thinking about the impact they can have on our lives. Some are very small, like deciding what coffee to buy, while others are huge and can be life-changing. Explore why we make the decisions that we do and how we can be sure they are the right ones. Hear about an easy-to-digest process to help you make difficult decisions, and explore two team decision-making methods for making smart decisions together.
Welcome to the ASAP Circle, a community platform for peer-to-peer conversation on trending topics, professional challenges, and shared experiences. We even have designated spaces for weekly Tuesday Coffee Breaks.