We all have our challenges in life and for many, it’s time management. I wish I could say my love for time management developed out of my desire to just be a great human being – for me it was a matter of survival. As a new mom with two kids (18 months apart), 2 dogs, a full-time job at a top consumer goods company and a husband working nights as a police officer I found myself sinking fast. I knew I had to make some changes to get myself and my family back on track. I thought that other working professionals may face some of the same struggles and I’m making it my mission to help you, we are all in this together.
Sinking or Swimming?
Have you ever found yourself in one of the scenarios below? Maybe your mornings are just more stressful than they should be?
You roll into work 25 minutes later than planned – running into your first meeting that you are now 10 minutes late for, your boss gives you “the look” that means they’ve had it and it’s been mentally noted that you are late, yet again?
You may be sinking.
Your friends know you well enough that they lie to you about a start time in order to get you somewhere on time?
You may be sinking.
The thought of getting up and getting yourself and the kids out the door gives you an overwhelming case of anxiety?
You may be sinking.
Tossing you a life raft.
First thing’s first – take some pressure off yourself. We are human beings, we aren’t perfect. You are already moving in a positive direction by reading this article.
Practice Makes Perfect
The above steps may sound like a lot of work but adding one step at a time can make life a bit more manageable and before you know it, you’ll notice that you are not sinking. Practice each step until it becomes a habit. There may still be occasions when things happen that you couldn’t have prepared for – that’s ok! Be easy on yourself and try again tomorrow. Being punctual and managing your time not only makes you a great friend and a reliable employee it will reduce your stress level.
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