We’ve all been challenge to step outside our comfort zones at work. But how do you get to a place where doing that becomes natural to you? Development is the focus and emphasis of a growth mindset. And in a fast-paced where change is the only constant, a growth mindset and the improvement that comes with is invaluable if you are to not only survive but also thrive. A fixed mindset will allow you to feel comfortable doing what you have been doing for a long time the way you have been doing it. A growth mindset, on the other hand, will push you to step out into unchartered territory and try new things. The good news is that you can change your mindset, and over time adapt the growth mindset that will see you be the best version of yourself and fully tap into your potential. It takes continuous learning, and here is a look at some strategies to help you shift your mindset
Before embarking on your learning journey, take stock of what it is you are working with, going forward. Identify your strengths and your weaknesses. Look inward and identify your talents and gifts. For every gift, talent, or strength that you have, realize that you can always do more to tap into your potential fully. Also acknowledge that there is room for improvement in your areas of weaknesses. Be fully self-aware and always find the time to reflect on who you are and what you can do.
Fully embrace the power in “not yet.” If you find yourself struggling with any issue, don’t think of it as a failure, but instead, believe that you are “not yet” there as far as mastering that particular skill or performing that task. “Not yet” looks back at the progress you have made and ahead at the potential you have to improve and grow your abilities.
It’s easy to get lost setting and trying to achieve performance goals. While accomplishing these goals in the short-term is very gratifying and motivating, if you want to do better in the long-term, you need to focus more on learning goals. Instead of focusing on just ensuring that you set up conferences, how about putting some effort into your time management, communication, and any other skills that will help to make the planning process easier and more efficient? Once you accomplish a learning goal, replace it with another one so that you are ever learning.
Being able to see the big picture will motivate you to change your mindset. Always keep in mind what you are working towards, a sense of purpose, if you will, and you will find yourself motivated to push your limits in order to get there.
Ask yourself what role or contribution you play in helping your company achieve its mission and goals. Reflect on what your purpose and how you can best equip yourself for this role. Always ensure that you assess and re-assess your goals in the long-term. Identify how you can better align your efforts with this bigger picture.
Get out of your comfort zone and try doing things differently. If you have been doing things a certain way, now is as good a time as any to try a different approach. If it doesn’t work out as well, move onto the next one. Apart from trying a new approach, how about doing something new altogether? Apply yourself and do what you have never done before, and you may be pleasantly surprised by the outcome.
When challenges come your way, do not adopt an avoidance mindset by leaving it alone and moving onto the next thing, Instead, embrace the challenges and meet them head-on. As you handle these challenges, you will realize that there is so much more that you still need to learn and master. However seemingly small your success in the face of these challenges, you will come out on the other side more confident and ready to learn how you can do more.
Welcome feedback in all its various forms. If you focus on just the praise, then you risk getting stuck in a fixed mindset.
To develop a growth mindset, be open and receptive to improvement feedback. Hear what others have to say about what you can do to be better and to do better. Diversify who you hear from such that you‘ll be getting input from your boss, your juniors, and even others outside your department and company.
Once you get this feedback. Be willing to learn from your mistakes and explore the suggestions you receive.
Allowing yourself to celebrate others' successes rids of the envy that would otherwise stand in the way of you knowing what it is they did to get to where they are. Associate yourself with people who are thriving in their area. You will have plenty of opportunities to learn from their story, and even bounce ideas back and forth with them that will see you grow. In the end, it won’t be too long before you are back celebrating your own successes, which may even be greater in comparison.
It takes time to learn anything, and even longer to be a master at it. Be kind enough to yourself and never allow yourself to think that your learning journey will happen overnight. Instead of being fixated on how long it’s taking you to learn something, focus on how well you are grasping the new skill. Develop the growth mindset while recognizing that it will all take time.
Understand that you can achieve so much more if you apply yourself instead of just relying on any inherent skills and talents. Imagine that you are starting on a clean slate and that the level of success you achieve, if any, depends entirely on how much work you put into it. A fixed mindset will tell you that you have all it takes to achieve your goals. A growth mindset, on the other hand, will tell you that there is always more that you can do, fueling you to do more and better.
You can train your mind and successfully shift from a fixed mindset into a growth mindset. Developing this mindset calls for continual learning and being ready to adapt to change. The outlined tips have proven effective in helping to develop the growth mindset. It will certainly take time, but with these strategies, you will see your mindset shift completely, and the benefits will spill over to both your professional and personal life.
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