Project Management for Admins - Session 2 | Product


Session 2: Project Planning for Success

The Planning phase is the longest phase of the project lifecycle, with good reason. If a project is not thoroughly planned, this will result in additional risks, surprises, rework, poor quality, and most likely a failed project. 

The Planning phase is particularly important because we dive into the details of the project as a team to determine what work needs to be completed, when the work needs to be completed, and by whom. We also develop a communication plan for the project activities, as well as the quality of the project deliverable, potential risks, and the needs of the stakeholders. 

Learning Objectives:

  • How to effectively plan, and sequence, the work efforts associated with the project. 
  • Identification and documentation of the best communication methods that will be the most meaningful for the project and the key stakeholders. 
  • Discuss the identified risks and determine the most effective response should those risks arise. 
  • Establish the quality criteria for the project deliverable and determine the measures associated with those criteria. 
  • Determine the best approach to managing the changes that will be introduced by the project deliverable and how best to prepare the stakeholders for those changes. 

American Society of Administrative Professionals

Producer of

APC  EA Ignite