
Building a Powerful Personal Brand

April 3, 2018


How would you feel if people associated you with the following traits: respectful, credible, kind, problem solver, confident, dependable, and focused? You, no doubt, would feel good! These are powerful words any individual would want to be used to describe them. It speaks to your professional abilities. It speaks to your reputation. It speaks to your personal brand.

Building a personal brand is an ongoing effort and one we should all work to develop. To borrow a quote from Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, “Your brand is what people say about you when you’re not in the room.”

Building your personal brand is essential in advancing your career. It’s those characteristics and skills you’ve worked so hard to master. It’s a reflection
of you.

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Let’s say, for example, you take pride in completing deadlines on time while juggling many other job responsibilities well. Your boss and others can count on you each day to deliver on-time, quality work. Not only have you built trust, dependability and professionalism with your boss and co-workers, you’ve built these outstanding qualities into your brand, too. You’ve established consistent behavior that will help make you more valuable.

Building your personal brand does not have to be difficult. It should speak to your values, image and capabilities. Ultimately, your brand is the lasting impression you leave on others.

Your personal brand is also a reflection of how others treat you. If you strive to be polite and respectful, more than likely those with whom you interact with will treat you with the same politeness and respect. You’ll leave a favorable impression while reinforcing your brand.

What’s more, your personal brand can afford you career opportunities. When you walk the walk and talk the talk, you become authentic. You’re the real thing and people will recognize you for it.

Your brand is the cornerstone of your career DNA. It’s your “trademark.” The key to a successful personal brand is being recognized for qualities you value. If you haven’t started to develop your personal brand, there’s no time like the present. Follow these guidelines to build your successful image.

You Are What You Wear – Like it or not, we’re judged by our appearance. Brand yourself as the consummate professional by dressing appropriately and conservatively. You’ll project an image of credibility, confidence and respect.

Communicate Like a Pro – Excellent communicators strengthen their personal brand using speech and silence to influence others’ opinion of them. They instinctively know “when silence is golden” and when to “share their two cents.” They choose the right words and use them at the right time.

Posture Up – Good posture is not only good for your health, it also sends a message of confidence, energy and attitude. Standing or sitting tall exhibits that “can-do” attitude.

Kindness Wins – Kindness goes beyond thoughtful or nice. It’s based on your values and beliefs, and it speaks to your character. Kindness is doing the right thing and being socially responsible. Acts of kindness can have a profound impact on others – and you!

Don’t Worry, Be Happy – Combine a good attitude with lots of smiles. They’re outstanding attributes for a healthy well-being and brand – and they tend to be contagious!

Consistency and Constancy are Key – If you want to be known as an exemplary professional who is patient, hardworking and committed, you must show consistency and constancy with these traits. Building a good brand is all about consistent, constant behavior.

The Real Thing  Be genuine and your brand will soar. Your authenticity is what makes you shine. Know yourself, your skills and your expertise, and pledge to be your best self. So much good comes from authenticity like trust, respect, vulnerability and integrity. Authenticity can’t be forced. It happens when words, values and actions align – repeatedly.

About the Author: Nancy Schnoebelen Imbs is an empowering professional development consultant, dynamic motivational speaker and author. Highly dedicated and results-oriented, she has the skill and passion for helping individuals become more confident and successful in business and beyond. She and her company Polished help clients focus on key adjustments that result in meaningful impact and effectiveness.

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