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On-Demand Webinar | (Recorded)

How you represent yourself on social media directly impacts the perceptions your colleagues and customers have of you and your skills. The same can be said for your manager.

As more companies use social media to share their message and brand, admins

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On-demand Webinar | (Recorded)

What is the one area that holds back Executives and Executive Assistants from moving forward?  The answer is: Executive Presence.  In fact, “executive presence” counts for 26% of what it takes to get promoted.  If you

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On-demand Webinar | (Recorded)

We all know that networking is important and necessary to be successful. However, most of us aren’t comfortable talking to people we don’t know. The purpose of networking is about connecting. Authentic relationships are built on

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On-Demand Webinar | (Recorded)

To excel as an executive assistant or administrative professional, you have to be able to seamlessly support all types of leaders. This webinar uses data-driven humor and anecdotal tales of wins and woes to dive into a career-defining opportunity:

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On-Demand Webinar | (Recorded)

Overwhelmed by the number of apps that claim to help you stay organized or book your flight? Need a primer on how to use your smartphone for more than checking email and catching up on Facebook? With all this technology at your fingertips, learn how

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On-Demand Webinar | (Recorded)

You’re known as an outstanding and experienced assistant. As a result, you’ve probably taken on a leadership role and recognized as a leader. Congratulations! But what’s the next step, and what direction should you take in this

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On-Demand Webinar | (Recorded)

Do you have a moment of panic when you’re asked to take meeting minutes? Do you have trouble deciding what to record and not record in your minutes? Do you leave a meeting with pages of notes you can’t decipher later? Do you worry that

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On-Demand Webinar | (Recorded)

Annual reviews are an opportunity for executive assistants and administrative professionals to highlight how their roles support the strategic goals of their boss and their organization. Yet people confess to preferring to have a root canal without

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On-Demand Webinar | (Recorded)

Many say and still believe that meeting and event planning is ‘not brain surgery’. Yet those of us who do the work know that the intricacies require myriad details and considerations.

A selected venue needs to meets the expectations of

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On-demand Webinar | (Recorded)

In the beginning, there was SharePoint: Microsoft's tool for sharing and collaborating on files with your coworkers. Now with collaboration tools like Teams, your choices have become more complicated. If you have an Office 365 subscription, it is

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American Society of Administrative Professionals

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APC  EA Ignite